Richard Challoner School

Year 10 Virtual Work Experience

Launched in 2022 - Year 10 students have the opportunity to undertake some amazing opportunities using Springpod. 

This takes place during the February half term and students can choose from a variety of experiences from Law to Hospitality and many more! 

Planning for the future is often a tough process. At Richard Challoner School we aim to help students with this as much as possible through their curriculum, the careers units and through activities. We are very excited this year to be offering year 10 students the opportunity to access some free virtual work experience to take place during the February half term or in february as a whole.


By asking students to sign up for the half term we can ensure that they can access the many varied support options available- from webinars, to live mentoring. There is a diverse mix of companies and industries involved.

Whilst work experience is no longer compulsory for school aged students, we feel it is important to help our students to experience the world of work before entering it. It allows them to explore new industries, research career ideas and develop relevant skills to strengthen and inform future applications and pathways. This builds on the programme of workplace experiences from year 8 Sons to work day and further opportunities of work experience in year 12.


We will be working with a company called Springpod who will help to track applications and provide a safe platform for students to access these opportunities.

Virtual Work Experience is totally flexible allowing students to work at their own pace. There will be an opportunity to meet leading professionals in live webinars so students can ask important questions and gain advice.

Students will sign up whilst in school but we ask parents and carers to encourage and ensure students engage during the half term to what they have registered for. Please see an introduction from them below.


Dear Student/Parent/Carer,


We are excited to let you know about Springpod, a free careers platform that is open to all students aged 13 years and above.  From work experience with top organisations such as Airbus, Deloitte, Jaguar Land Rover to Subject Spotlights with leading universities, students can build their experience and explore subject interests so they are ready to make the right choices about your next steps and career pathway. All Springpod programmes are entirely remote, can be completed at times that suit you, and offer a certificate that is great for CVs. 


Join over 400,000 students who are using Springpod and start exploring the exciting opportunities on offer:


  1. Build your experience
  2. Develop your skills
  3. Strengthen your CV and university application
  4. Stand out from the crowd
  5. Explore your subject/career interests
  6. Complete at your own pace and at a time that suits you
  7. Most experiences take 10 hours over two weeks
  8. Live webinars can be watched on demand if preferred


If you would like a quick overview of Springpod, you can watch our slide presentation here.


Here’s what some students have said about their Springpod experience:


“Thank you for creating all these amazing programs, they really do open my mind to explore careers that I never thought about doing”


“I think this is, by far, the most interesting and beneficial site I’ve used for virtual degree taster and virtual work experience which, might I add, are perfect for those finding it hard to find work experience during this time.”


“Seeing different industries from the views of their professionals, and a detailed insight into each field helps widen my perspective and knowledge of the working world”


Students can browse through live work experience opportunities here.  If students want to explore university pathways and gain a taster of undergraduate degree courses before they apply, they can use Springpod to search for university subject spotlights here.


How can you get started?


The first stage is to create a Springpod account. Simply go to and click Get Started.  Choose Student.


Then start applying and completing experiences to explore and gain experiences.

If you have any questions you can contact Springpod using this email –


Good luck and hope you enjoy exploring with Springpod!