Richard Challoner School

Getting Involved

Careers Support database

If you would like to be involved in supporting the careers programme please sign yourself up -

This is open to parents, carers, local business, companies and providers who would like to offer virtual or in person opportunities to our students. 

Our Provider Access Policy (found under Careers Department Documents) invites external people in to our school to support our careers programme. In addition to the activities listed there we also are looking to host in 2024/25 academic year a series of careers cafes. One per month focussing on a different profession/industry area. If you would like to run one of these the proposed times and dates (subject to change) are:

 Careers café sessions 3.30-4.30pm or lunchtime 1.05-1.45

Monday, Tuesday or Wednesdays each week



We are also hoping to run two big careers events, that will happen bi annually-

Ks4/5 careers fair-November   

Ks3 careers fair-February       


In addition, there are key activities that happen in school that would benefit from additional careers input. Examples include Engineering day for year 7 usually in March. GCSE Business studies classes putting theory into practise via business owners and PE GCSE and A level classes with physiotherapist and related roles. 


Year 12 work experience is the last week of the summer term normally around mid-July if you are able to offer placements within your organisations students are looking for your support.