Richard Challoner School

Exam Results

As you will be aware, GCSE and A-Level examinations in Summer 2021 did not happen, and our results are based on Centre Assessed Grades.

GCSE Exam Results

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Attainment 8 58.8 57.7 59.6 N/A N/A 57.8
Progress 8 0.84 0.66 0.7 N/A N/A 0.54
Grade 5 in English and Mathematics 82% 73% 77% 79.2% 70.7% 70.3%
English Baccalaureate (Average Point Score) 5.52** 5.45** 5.68** 5.60** 5.63** 5.48**
Entered for English Baccalaureate 85% 86.7% 90% 85.1% 88.5% 91%
Number of Pupil Premium 18 12 17 20 20 8
Attainment 8 Pupil Premium 48.9% 50.2% 46.1* N/A N/A 46.8*
Progress 8 Pupil Premium 0.48* 0.14* 0.23* N/A N/A 0.35*
Grade 4 in English and Mathematics Pupil Premium 61% 75% 53% 75.0% 80.0% 75.0%
English Baccalaureate Pupil Premium (Average Point Score) 4.89** 4.79** 4.25** 4.37** 5.33** 4.40**
Entered for English Baccalaureate Pupil Premium 50% 83% 65% 85% 80% 88%
Grade 9-7 (all pupils) 31.8% 29.4% 35.2% 39.7% 34.6% 28.1%
Grade 9-4 (all pupils) 88.9% 85.8% 88.9% 90% 88.5% 84.2%
Number in Cohort 153 158 156 154 157 145

* Our Pupil Premium figures are compared with the results of non-Pupil Premium students nationally.

** The English Baccalaureate measure is based on the better result of either English language or English literature when both subjects are taken, maths, the best 2 results from the single sciences (3 out of 4 must be taken), or results from the combined science, the better result from either geography or history and the best result in languages.

KS4 Destinations

KS4 League Tables

A-Level and Applied General Qualifications Exam Results

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Number of Students
136 129 134 124 135 127
Number of Students
(Applied General Qualifications)
13 9 13 4 13 9
Average Result
(A-Levels Average Point Score and Grade)
34.12* C+ 36.2* B- 37.8* B- 42.0* B 41.0* B 34.6* C+
Average Result
(Applied General Qualification Average Point Score and Grade)
28.33* Merit+ 30.6* Distinction- 28.7*
Best 3 A-Levels
(Average Point Score and Grade)
31.99* C+
129 Students

34.5* C+

37.6* B-
121 Students
41.0* B
106 Students
40.9* B
108 Students
34.5* C+
103 Students
A*-A Grades 27.4% 27.0% 31.8% 39.2% 37.0%


A*-B Grades 46.9% 57.9% 60.2% 71.0% 68.8% 52.0%
A*-C Grades 72.6% 78.8% 81.9% 87.5% 88.7% 77.2%

*Average Point Score.

Student Destinations (Education and Employment after 16-18)

16-18 League Tables