Richard Challoner School

School Governance

Governing Board of Richard Challoner School

Governor Date of Appointment
Foundation Governor
Mr Kevin Beatty 19th January 2024
Ms Veronica Bermingham 21st December 2021
Mrs Elspeth Casey 23rd October 2023
Mr Francis Corrigan 6th January 2024
Mr Franco D'Agostino 2nd December 2023
Professor Roland Dannreuther 16th August 2023
Fr Joseph Edem 8th August 2024
Mrs Catharina Mayhew 6th December 2023
Mrs Nicola Noble 25th March 2024
Mr Sean Maher 1st September 2015 (ex officio)
Staff Governor
Mrs Louise Fenner-Jiggins 3rd December 2021
Parent Governor
Mrs Fiona Marshall 4th January 2023
Mrs Ashtar Winston 6th June 2024
Co-opted Governor
Mr Timothy Povey 4th October 2022
Local Governor
Mr Daren King 6th November 2023
Governance Professional
Mrs Heather Fowler  
Company Secretary
Mr Reg Baker  
Non-Governor - Additional Members of Committee Only
Mr Neil Henderson (Premises Committee and Curriculum Committee) 3rd October 2023 (one year)
Mr Ian O'Brien (Admissions Committee and Curriculum Committee) 3rd October 2023 (one year)
Mr Matthew Webber (Finance & General Purposes Committee and Curriculum Committee) 3rd October 2023 (one year)

With the exception of the Headmaster, all Governors serve a four-year term of office. The Chair of Governors and Vice-Chair are elected by the Governing Board at the start of each academic year. Information relating to Governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months can be found in the Governing Body Terms of Office.

Three non-Governors are serving as members of Committees, listed for a one-year term.


The school exists primarily to offer boys a Catholic education where their parents have expressed a wish for their sons to receive such an education. It is open for applications from all, regardless of religious affiliation, but the governing body will consider Catholic boys before others except where the admissions policy suggests differently. In the sixth form, the school accepts applications from girls as well as boys.

Academy Trust

The Academy Trust named "Richard Challoner School" was incorporated on 26th July 2011 as a company limited by guarantee with no share capital and having charitable status.

Company Number of the Trust: 007718002

Registered Office Address of the Trust: Richard Challoner School, Manor Drive North, New Malden, Surrey, K3 5PE.

Situation of Registered Office: England and Wales

The governing documents of the Academy Trust are the Funding Agreement, the Memorandum of Association and the Articles of Association. Please find the Academy Documentation at the bottom of this page.


The Academy Trust has currently three Members, of whom two are non-governor Members. 

The current Members are:

  • Mr Francis Corrigan (Chair of Governors) - from 17th August 2023
  • Father Victor Darlington (non-Governor) ex-officio from 29/11/2022
  • Mr Paul McCallum (non-Governor), appointed by the Members 13/03/2016

Membership has ended for:

  • Reverend Monsignor Matthew Dickens (non-Governor) - signatory to the Memorandum
  • Mr Mark Draper (Chair of Governors) - signatory to the Memorandum

The school is managed by its Governing Body also known as Trustees or Directors. The Governing Body is made up as follows…

  • Chair of Governors - Mr Francis Corrigan
  • Vice Chair of Governors - Ms Veronica Bermingham
  • Foundation Governors appointed by the Archdiocese of Southwark for a 4-year period.
  • Parent Governors are elected by parents of students at the school for 4 years.
  • Staff Governors are elected by members of staff for 4 years.
  • 1 Local Governor is appointed by the Governing Body.
  • The Headteacher completes the number of governors and is ex-officio by virtue of role.

For membership of the Governing Board, please see the  Governing Body Terms of Office


The governing body has a number of committees established to carry out the bulk of its work and report back to the Governing Body. These are:-

  • Finance, Premises, General Purpose, Risk and Audit Committee:- Chair Mr Timothy Povey
  • Personnel Pastoral Pay and Wellbeing Committee:- Chair Mrs Fiona Marshall
  • Curriculum Committee:- Chair Mr Daren King
  • Other committees which meet on an “as required” basis are Admissions and Discipline.