Richard Challoner School

Wellbeing and Pastoral Care

At Richard Challoner School we take supporting the wellbeing of others and building resilience very seriously. We recognise that today’s teenagers face an increasingly complex and challenging world. We seek as a school to empower children to manage this healthily in our Christian community.

Students are supported by their form tutor who registers them each day. Each year group is led by a Year Leader, who in turn is led by a Head of Key Stage. For pastoral issues, concerns should firstly be discussed with their form tutor or, if more pressing, with their Year Leader, who will know the best place to refer to if necessary.

We have many options for different types of support for our children. If you wish to enquire about any of then please see the poster below and contact your form tutor or year leader in the first instance.

Pastoral Team

Head of Key Stages 3 and 4 Mr M Cox
Year 7 Year Leader Mr A Norton
Year 8 Year Leader Mr N Mander
Year 9 Year Leader Mr J Gallagher
Year 10 Year Leader Mr K McKenna
Year 11 Year Leader Mr R Stansbridge
Head of Key Stage 5 Mrs C Verdin
Year 12 Year Leader Mr A Araim
Year 13 Year Leader Ms V Wilkinson
Pastoral Support Officer Miss A Drinkwater
Director of Spirituality Mr N D'Aguiar
Assistant Headteacher i/c of Safeguarding and Student Wellbeing Mrs A Southall

If a child has any concerns, they are encouraged to speak to their form tutors in the first instance but are always welcome to speak to any member of staff or their Year Leader for more pressing matters. Children may also contact a chosen member of staff through the Here2Help app on their iPad.

If you have concerns about your child or someone else’s child, please get in touch with the school office, and they will direct you, respecting your confidentiality, to the correct person for your enquiry. You can also email the Safeguarding Team via

As a school, we have connections with many trained professionals who can support you and your child in the best manner possible. We can also offer advice on how to access support services externally if you feel that would be of more benefit to you.

Below are some links to external charities that offer support, guidance and help...

Free 1-to-1 chat support and 24-hour helpline.

If you have been the victim of sexual online abuse or you're worried this is happening to someone you know, report it safely and securely.

Specialising in child protection and the prevention of cruelty to children.

Supporting adult and young carers in Kingston.

Free safe and anonymous online counselling.

Providing advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem.

Providing mental health support through 1-to-1 and group counselling.

Providing pastoral support to LGBT+ Catholics.

Free 24-hour helpline. Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including suicidal feelings.

Supporting children and young people who have been bereaved of someone close to them.

UK organisation that protects children both online and offline.

Getting it on… information and services for young people on sexual and mental health issues, drugs & alcohol and relationship problems.