Richard Challoner School

Careers Education (CEIAG)

Mrs Stansbridge

I am the Careers Lead and qualified Careers Advisor. With over 17 years experience of careers guidance I am responsible for ensuring students are able to explore and get ready for life beyond the school gates. I am a registered professional on the CDI database and follow the code of ethics.

'Education is your passport for your future'

Please use the contact me page, email or ring the school on 020 8330 5947.

Within school, each year group has a careers unit within their pastoral programme. This will develop their knowledge, skills and look at future aspirations. Within the curriculum there are careers focused links to support students in their future plans. (Please see the careers policy, strategy and careers programme links for further information).

Information on these pages are reviewed regularly and policies and strategy are reviewed annually by the board of governors.




Supporting your future success

Careers Education and Information, Advice and Guidance

Richard Challoner School is committed to preparing students for the future. This isn’t just through the curriculum but also by supporting them to think about their career choices and informing them about all the pathways that are available after leaving education.

We aim to inspire and motivate students to explore the best way for them as an individual and recognise that in today’s world this may look very different to those from a few years ago. Students are seen as individuals and as a school we understand they won’t all follow the same paths at post 16 and 18 transition.

Careers education and Independent information, advice and guidance is important to every student and here at Richard Challoner School and we believe every student should have access to and receive support in planning their future.

How do we do this?

  • Every year group from year 7-13 has a careers unit as part of their tutorial programme which focuses on key transitional points and how to explore yourself and your skills as you learn and grow.
  • Sons to work days in year 8
  • Year 9 careers assembly speakers
  • Work experience programme in year 12.
  • Invite in professionals to speak with students
  • Spotlight on… displays focusing on different careers.
  • Careers section in the main school library
  • Careers room and access to careers advisor
  • Use of online programmes and resources.
  • Curriculum subjects linking to careers.
  • Robust strategies and policies and coordination of statutory guidelines 

Careers Education (CE)

Careers education provides students with opportunities to learn about themselves and the skills they will need when they leave education. Activities and lessons are designed to make students independent and reflective, and to see the impact education can have on careers.  Activities and arranged sessions throughout the academic year will provide students with opportunities to become job ready and explore the future.

Independent Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG)

IAG Is delivered in an impartial manner and via face to face interventions with students. Richard Challoner School has its own Careers Advisor who offers IAG appointments to students in year 7 through to year 13. With many years’ experience and knowledge of schools, college, training providers, apprenticeships, universities and opportunities for young people, students are able to effectively plan ahead for their future. IAG is also delivered through visitors to school from various sectors of industry and through accessing events held in the borough and nationally where students can speak with representatives from different providers.

An introductory video on CEIAG at Richard Challoner School 

Careers sections of tutorial programmes

Year 7

As an introduction to careers education students in year 7 will begin to explore what a job and career is and start to link in key elements and skills needed for those jobs.

Year 8

During the tutorial programme students will have an opportunity to think about themselves during ‘me and my future’ lessons.

Year 9

Through the tutorial programmes students will use a computer based programme called ‘Launchpad’, alongside other online resources, to begin exploring careers they are interested in based on the skills they think they have. They will have an opportunity to think about jobs, and the qualifications they need for these. Helping them to think about which subjects to choose for GCSE options.

In small groups students will meet with the Careers Advisor to discuss the options process and to begin exploring future pathways.

Assemblies and Options evening will allow students an opportunity to reflect on choices they will make and relationships with careers

Year 10

In the tutorial programme students will reflect on their skills and further explore their next steps post 16. They will think about their aspirations and use ‘Kudos’, which is computer based programme, to explore their likes and dislikes related to jobs.

Students in Year 10 can request to meet with the careers advisor to begin planning ahead what they would like to do post 16 and reflect on their current position.  Discussions around applications and the year ahead will help inform these decisions.

Year 11

Students will be given the opportunity to review their options after year 11 and supported in these sessions to begin applying, attending interviews and planning ahead.

Students in year 11 will meet with the careers advisor individually to look at plans for the future within the first term back. There are also opportunities for students to ‘drop in’ during lunch and after school to get support with applications and interview preparation. Students will then be further identified to meet again after mock exams and in the run up to study leave to ensure students have made suitable applications for post 16 education.

Students will be aware of raising of the participation age (RPA) which states that students must remain in some form of education or training until they are 18 and how this doesn’t mean school but will explore all options post 16 including 6th forms, college, apprenticeships, and training courses.

Support is then available on results days and during the enrolment and start of term process with destination data being collected to ensure all students have accessed suitable pathways.

Year 12/13

Students in the 6th form will have access to conferences and open days for post 18 opportunities and university selection. In tutorial sessions students will have opportunities to work on personal statements whether applying to university, apprenticeships or employments and will have support in completing their UCAS applications.

Students will also have opportunities to meet with the careers advisor to discuss their post 18 options and particularly for those not going to university to explore alternative pathways.

Support is available on results day, both for those going to university, unable to continue at 6th form or for those moving on to alternative pathways.