Richard Challoner School


House Colour: Yellow
Feast day: 9th June

Columba was a Celtic monk and missionary, born in Donegal, Ireland. He was educated at the monastic school of Movie under St Finnian. In 560 a dispute arose over a copy Columba had made of St. Finnian’s book of psalms, resulting in Columba’s instigation of a rebellion by the Clan Neill against King Diarmait of Ireland. This culminated in the Battle of Cooldrevny in 561, at which three thousand men were killed. As penance, and with the support of 12 companions, he founded a monastery on the island of Iona, hoping to convert as many men as had died at Cooldrevny, specifically converting the Scots and Picts. After many conversions, and becoming a famous councillor to many kings, the monastery at Iona became Columba’s final resting place in 597. Pilgrimage to Iona increased; kings wished to be buried near to Columba. At it’s peak, Iona produced the ‘Book of Kells’ a beautiful medieval manuscript of the four new testament gospels, and one of Irelands greatest national treasures.

Columba House History:
2023/24 –
4th Place
2022/23 – 3rd Place
2021/22 – 6th Place
2020/21 – 4th Place
2019/20 – 5th Place
2018/19 – 3rd Place
2017/18 – 4th Place
2016/17 – 6th Place
2015/16 – 2nd Place
2014/15 – 2nd Place
2013/14 – 1st Place
2012/13 – 4th Place

Head of House: Miss Keely


House Captain: Jakub