Richard Challoner School

Morning Prayers

Summer 2024 - Week 11 - 1st to 5th July

Our Spiritual Blog is updated with a new article or reflection every day!

Dates of Interest this week

  • 30th June – Feast of St Peter & St Paul (info)
  • 30th June – International Asteroid Day (info)
  • 1st July – St Oliver Plunket (info)
  • 3rd July – St Thomas (info)
  • 3rd July – International Day of Cooperatives (info)
  • 4th July – St Elizabeth of Portugal (info)
  • 6th July – St Maria Goretti (info)
  • 7th July – 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time (info)

Morning Prayers:

An act of worship should be made every morning.  This should include:

  1. a pause for reflection on the question for the day
  2. joint reading of the quote from the Bible
  3. an individual (a student or teacher) reading a prayer for the day

The prayers/reflections can be taken from this resource or from:

Theme for the week – Our Achievements Through the Year

Question for Day 1:

How do I remember to think of those in need through my own achievements?



Bible Quote for Day 1:

“Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,”

Colossians 3:12



Prayer for Day 1:

Today Lord,

We can celebrate many achievements of humanity as a whole

But never let us forget

that each and every individual needs to be held in respect.

We pray today for those unable to work

And ask you to give success to the work of our hands.


(Nicholas Hutchinson)


Question for Day 2:

What words do I use to appraise my peers?


Bible Quote for Day 2:

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”

1 Corinthians 12:12 


Prayer for Day 2:

Lord, I ask that you inspire me

always to do my best,

not comparing myself with others,

but only with myself.

Lead me, Lord,

to discover and use my own talents to the full.

May I live in such a way

that I help others to experience success.

Inspire me to be generous in praising others

for the good of their abilities

not looking so much at the degree of achievements

but at the effort put in.


(Nicholas Hutchinson)


Question for Day 3:

Have I thanked God for His assistance in my achievements?


Bible Quote for Day 3:

“As for these four youths, God gave them learning and skill in all literature and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.”

Daniel 1:17


Prayer for Day 3:

God, Thank you for helping me to progress this year.

I’ve learnt many new things as the months have passed by.

I’ve also been part if events that have been achievements not just for me but for my whole school.

Help me to always try to give my best in all that I do

So that I may never regret not having achieved to the best of my ability. Amen  

(Unknown source)


Question for Day 4:

What time each day will I set aside for prayer for thanksgiving and petition?


Bible Quote for Day 4:

“And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship,”

Exodus 31:3


Prayer for Day 4:

Father, Into your hands I place my successes.

Into your hands I place my failures,

and I pray that through your Spirit,

I may face the challenges of life with courage and determination.

Help me to think anew and think of things more broadly

than in terms of success and failure.

Lead me always to trust and place myself confidently in your hands. Amen   

(Nicholas Hutchinson)


Question for Day 5:

How have I recognised Jesus’ presence this year and what change can I make to recognise Jesus’ presence in my year at school? 


Bible Quote for Day 5:

“I rejoice, because I have complete confidence in you.”

2 Corinthians 7:16


Prayer for Day 5:

Looking back on the months gone by,

As a new year starts and an old one ends,

We contemplate what brought us joy,

And we think of our loved ones and our friends.

Recalling all the happy times,

Remembering how they enriched our lives,

We reflect upon who really counts,

As the fresh and bright new year arrives.

And when I/we ponder those who do, I immediately think of you. Amen


(Joanna Fuchs)


Chaplaincy on Social Media:

"From a School Chaplain" on Facebook

"RC_Chaplaincy" on Twitter

"RCChaplaincy" on Instagram

“Prayerful Pause” on YouTube


Bishop Richard Challoner

During his lifetime and after his death, he was considered not only as a model of every virtue but as a saint. We are asked to pray that our Blessed Lord, through the Pope, may reward him further, by raising him to the altars of the Church as a Saint.

Prayer for the Beatification of Bishop Richard Challoner

O God who made your servant Richard,

a true and faithful pastor of your little flock in England,

raise him, we beseech you, to the altars of thy Church,

that we, who have been taught by his word and example

may invoke his name in heaven,

for the return of our country to belief in the Gospel,

and to the unity of all Christians in the one Church of Jesus Christ.

We ask this through the same Christ our Lord.


Bishop Richard Challoner

Pray for us