Richard Challoner School

Further Information

Music Tutors

Saturday Morning Music Tutors are self-employed. Richard Challoner School provides the administration and venue for the Saturday Morning Music School. It also ensures safeguarding checks have been properly carried out.


The full course of 10 lessons is payable in advance. If a student is unable to attend a lesson, it still has to be paid for as we are unable to fill single slots for the teachers. It is sometimes possible to re-schedule a replacement lesson with the teacher concerned at his/her discretion. Please keep the SMMS Co-Ordinator informed if your child is likely to miss a lesson.

Lessons missed by teachers

Because many of the tutors are professional musicians with performance commitments, they may occasionally have to cancel a lesson. If this happens, a replacement lesson will be arranged – usually during a half-term week – or the lesson cost will be refunded.


Free parking is available in the Richard Challoner School car park. You are welcome to wait for your child in the Music School foyer or collect them after the lesson. Toilets are available.

Individual Tuition

Individual lessons are available on the following instruments:
Piano, Electronic Keyboard, Classical and Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Trumpet, Trombone, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Saxophone, Flute, Drums and Voice.
Other instruments can sometimes be arranged if there is sufficient demand.

Cost £200 per term (Ten 30-minute lessons)

Grade 5 Theory Lessons

Students who are ready to continue their instrumental studies past Grade 5 are required to have passed a corresponding level of Musical Theory. We are offering class lessons for a ten-week term in preparation for the ABRSM Grade 5 exam.

Cost £100 for one term (Ten 60-minute class lessons)


Enquiries and applications should be addressed to the Saturday Morning Music School Co-Ordinator. The Saturday Morning Music School business is usually carried out on Saturday mornings. If you wish to contact someone during the week, please use the SMMS Contact Form and you will receive a reply as soon as possible.