Richard Challoner School

Spirituality Blog

Spirituality News Items

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  • 20/02/24

    Pope Francis’ 2024 Lenten message

    Matthew Santucci posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' call for conversion
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  • 19/02/24

    Life is so busy. How can I find time to pray?

    GetFed posts about finding time to pray
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  • 13/02/24

    Resources for Lent 2024

    A compilation of resources, ideas and suggestions for making helpul holy habits this year!
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  • 09/02/24

    Pope Francis' message for World Day of Sick

    Devin Watkins posts on Vatican News about Pope Francis' Message
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  • 08/02/24

    Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for February

    The Pope Video post Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for February - For the terminally Ill
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  • 07/02/24

    On Pilgrimage

    Joannie Watson posts an insight on pilgrimage to Integrated Catholic Life
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  • 06/02/24

    Answering the most asked questions of Religious Sisters / Nuns

    Deacon Greg posts on Deacon's Bench with some helpful insights
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  • 05/02/24

    The famous visitor to Lourdes who wasn’t healed

    GetFed posts about the story of St Bernadette
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  • 02/02/24

    How to See Life’s Interruptions as Blessings

    Christina Antus posts a lovely reflection on Busted Halo
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  • 01/02/24

    Pope Francis on the new edition of YouCat

    Andrez Henriquez posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent comments
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  • 31/01/24

    Why singing is like praying twice?

    George Ryan posts on uCatholic about a key teaching from St Augustine
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  • 30/01/24

    Pope Francis announces Year of Prayer

    Courtney Mares posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent announcement
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