Richard Challoner School

Spirituality Blog

Spirituality News Items

Page 64

  • 30/05/20

    Pope Francis says prayer is a refuge against evil

    Hannah Brockhaus posts on the CNA aboit Pope Francis' recent words
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  • 29/05/20

    Staying at home: a Benedictine perspective

    Sr Laurentia John OSB posts a reflection on CAFOD
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  • 28/05/20

    Pope to offer rosary for Mary’s help during pandemic

    Hannah Brockhaus posts on the CNA about this Sunday's worldwide prayer of the Rosary
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  • 27/05/20

    Pope Francis remembers 25 years of John Paul II's letter on ecumenism

    Hannah Brockhaus posts on CNA about the 25th Anniversary of St. Pope John Paul II’s encyclical on ecumenism "Ut unum sint"
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  • 26/05/20

    Pope encourages storytelling on World Communications Day

    Vatican News posts about Pope Francis' recent request
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  • 25/05/20

    Three Thoughts From A Priest About Quarantine

    Becky Roach posts on Catholic Link some thoughts about quarantine
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  • 24/05/20

    Ascension and Pentecost through Art

    Fleur Dorrel posts on the CBCEW a series of reflections using art
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  • 23/05/20

    Prayer Support for Health Workers

    Pray-As-You-Go has launched a prayer support and guide for Health Workers
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  • 22/05/20

    People thank Pope Francis for accompanying them during these difficult months of lockdown

    Massimiliano Menichetti posts on Vatican News about thousands of people thanking Pope Francis
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  • 21/05/20

    The Feast of the Ascension

    Deacon Greg posts his homily for the Feast of the Ascension
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  • 20/05/20

    Pope Francis Sends Message to Young People

    uCatholic posts about Pope Francis' message to young people
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  • 19/05/20

    Mental Health Awareness Week: You are strong when you feel weak.

    Maricourt Chaplaincy posts a lovely reflection to guide us through Mental Health Awareness Week:
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