Richard Challoner School

Spirituality Blog

Spirituality News Items

Page 59

  • 21/09/20

    A drowning man prayed for help. God sent a floating tiki bar filled with priests

    The CNA post an account of an extraordinary story
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  • 18/09/20

    Challoner Day!

    A Virtual Prayer Service for Challoner Day 2020
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  • 16/09/20

    Pope Francis pleads with Catholics not to gossip

    Courtney Mares posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent comments
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  • 15/09/20

    Telling them apart: Teresa, Teresa, Thérèse, and Edith

    Kristina Glicksman posts a helpful reflection on Salt&Light TV
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  • 14/09/20

    Benedict XVI Officially Becomes The Oldest Pope In History

    uCatholic post about a milestone that Pope Benedict has reached
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  • 11/09/20

    Saint You Should Know: Augustine of Hippo

    Casey Cole posts a helpful introduction to St Augustine of Hippo
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  • 11/09/20

    The Ordinariness of Sainthood

    Kelsey Dassance posts on Lifeteen a reflection about Sainthood
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  • 10/09/20

    Pope Francis' Prayer Intentions for September

    uCatholic post about Pope Francis' Prayer Intentions for September
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  • 08/09/20

    Why Blue Used To Be Seen as the Most ‘Feminine’ Color

    uCatholic post about the origins of blue and its link to the Blessed Virgin Mary
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  • 08/09/20

    Back to school: Thinking about the world we want

    CAFOD Schools posts a reflection on the new academic year
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  • 07/09/20

    World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 2020

    Salt and Light TV post about Pope Francis' message on the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.
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  • 21/07/20

    Things To Do When Having A Bad Day

    Andrew Rubinich posts a helpful reflection on CatholicLink
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