Richard Challoner School

Spirituality Blog

Spirituality News Items

Page 57

  • 02/11/20

    Your Life is Not About You

    Bishop Robert Baron talks to us about Sainthood and Holiness
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  • 22/10/20

    How Often do you Need to Go to Confession?

    Brother Casey Cole posts about Confession on Breaking in the habit
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  • 21/10/20

    How Meditation On The Rosary Brings Healing

    Abby Fredrickson post on CatholicLink about the Rosary
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  • 20/10/20

    Family is ‘the first and essential place of education’

    Hannah Brockhaus posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent comments about the Family
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  • 19/10/20

    St. Teresa Of Avila

    Will Wright posts about St Teresa of Avila on Catholic Link
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  • 16/10/20

    Preaching Of St. Francis Of Assisi

    Fr Kenneth G Davis posts on CatholicLink about St Francis
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  • 15/10/20

    Pope Franics on the Pandemic

    Deacon Greg posts on the Deacon's Bench about Pope Francis' comments
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  • 14/10/20

    Who was Carlo Acutis?

    The CNA post about Carlo Acutis
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  • 13/10/20

    Have you let God find you today?

    Kathleen LeBlanc posts a reflection on Salt&LightTV
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  • 12/10/20

    ‘Fratelli tutti’: Pope Francis calls for unity in new encyclical

    The CNA post about Pope Francis' new encyclical
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  • 09/10/20

    Praying in Elections: Prayer for Guidance

    Pray Tell posts some useful tips for guidance during elections
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  • 08/10/20

    Five ways to pray for those affected by coronavirus

    Genevieve Cox posts on CAFOD some lovely ideas of how to include those people in our prayers
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