Richard Challoner School

Spirituality Blog

Spirituality News Items

Page 55

  • 03/12/20

    Let there be Peace on Earth

    Deacon Greg posts on Deacon's Bench about a lovely uplifting virtual choir piece
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  • 02/12/20

    Interractive Advent Calendar

    Cafod have published their online Advent Calendar for this year
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  • 01/12/20

    Advent Resource

    Aid to the Church in Need post a lovely Advent Resource
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  • 30/11/20

    An Advent Invitation

    Diane M Houdek posts a reflection on Franciscan Media
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  • 27/11/20

    Little Bits of God

    The God Who Speaks posts about Pete Codling's new artwork
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  • 26/11/20

    Mary teaches us to pray with a heart open to God’s will

    Courtney Mares posts on CNA about Pope Francis recent comments
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  • 25/11/20

    What does it mean to be a priest?

    Deacon Greg posts on Deacon's Bench about the priesthood.
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  • 24/11/20

    3 Ways God Reveals Himself to Me Through My Young Children

    Elizabeth Bundy posts on BustedHalo a lovely reflection about her young children
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  • 23/11/20

    Message to Schools

    Archbishop John Wilson posts a video to all schools in Southwark
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  • 20/11/20

    How Can We Pray The Rosary Better?

    Drew and Katie Taylor post some helpful tips to CatholicLink
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  • 19/11/20

    Prepare to meet the Lord with good deeds inspired by His love

    Courtney Mares posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent message
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  • 18/11/20

    How to Pray in the Storm

    Joannie Watson posts a reflection on Intergrated Catholic Life
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