Richard Challoner School

Spirituality Blog

Spirituality News Items

Page 54

  • 04/01/21

    Christmas Message from Pope Francis

    Salt&Light TV post Pope Francis' Christmas Message
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  • 18/12/20

    ‘Go to Joseph’: What popes from Pius IX to Francis have said about St. Joseph

    Courtney Mares posts on the CNA about St Joseph
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  • 17/12/20

    Assisi in Advent: illuminated frescoes and a nurse in a nativity scene

    Courtney Mares posts on the CNA about Assisi's Nativity Scene this year
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  • 16/12/20

    Vatican Astronomers Weigh in on Upcoming ‘Christmas Star’

    uCatholic posts about the upcoming Christmas Star
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  • 14/12/20

    Ask God for the gift of conversion in Advent

    The CNA posts about Pope Francis' comments about Advent
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  • 12/12/20

    Even death trembles when a Christian prays

    The CNA posts about Pope Francis' comments about the power of prayer
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  • 11/12/20

    Digital #Gratitude

    Jennifer Sawyer posts some tips on BustedHalo
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  • 10/12/20

    Mary on the Mantel

    Mary Farrow posts on the CNA about a Catholic alternative to Elf on the Shelf
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  • 09/12/20

    Jesse Tree: An Introduction

    Karina Tabone posts an introductio to the Jesse Tree on Illustrated Prayer
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  • 08/12/20

    Advent is the season for remembering the closeness of God

    Courtney Mares posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent comments
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  • 07/12/20

    Pope Francis Prayer Intention for December

    The Pope Video posts Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for December: For a life of prayer
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  • 04/12/20

    The Church is the work of the Holy Spirit

    The CNA posts about Pope Francis' recent comments about the Church and the Holy Spirit
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