Richard Challoner School

Spirituality Blog

Spirituality News Items

Page 33

  • 29/04/22

    Pope Francis tells 80,000 teens to ask Our Lady for courage to do God’s will

    Courtney Mares posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent address to young people
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  • 28/04/22

    Who saw the risen Christ first?

    GetFed posts an exploration of the resurrection narratives
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  • 27/04/22

    Pope Francis: ‘Come out of the tomb of fear’

    Joe Bukuras posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent comments
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  • 26/04/22

    How long is the Easter season?

    GetFed posts an explanation of the Season of Easter
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  • 25/04/22

    Conversion to Divine Mercy

    Fr Roger Landry posts on Integrated Catholic Life about his personal connection with the Divine Mercy
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  • 22/04/22

    Pope Francis’ April Prayer Intention for Health Care Workers

    uCatholic post about Pope Francis' prayer intention for April
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  • 21/04/22

    How to Start Praying the Liturgy of the Hours

    Bishop Robert Baron posts on his YouTube an introduction to this important form of prayer 
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  • 20/04/22

    Why It’s Important To Celebrate Easter EVERY Sunday Of The Year

    Will Wright posts a reflection on CatholicLink
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  • 19/04/22

    Pope Francis laments ‘Easter of War’ in Urbi et Orbi blessing 2022

    Hannah Brockhaus posts about Pope Francis' message in his Easter Blessing
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  • 01/04/22

    In confession, the priest should guide penitent to holiness

    Hannah Brockhaus posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent comments
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  • 31/03/22

    Pope Francis wants us to do this when we give to the poor

    Hannah Brockhaus posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent advice
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  • 30/03/22

    A Spiritual Spring Cleaning

    Veronica Szcygiel posts on BustedHalo a helpful reflection for our Lenten preparations
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