Richard Challoner School

Spirituality Blog

Spirituality News Items

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  • 28/06/22

    Catholic marriage is a gift, not a formality

    Hannah Brockhaus posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent comments
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  • 27/06/22

    First married couple to be beatified together

    Courtney Mares posts on the CNA about Blessed Luigi and Maria Beltrame Quattrocchi
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  • 24/06/22

    Bring the Love of Jesus’ Sacred Heart ‘To the Ends of the Earth’

    The NCR posts about Pope Francis' reflection on the Sacred Heart of Jesus
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  • 23/06/22

    No Christian is exempt from aiding the poor

    Courtney Mares posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent comments
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  • 22/06/22

    Why go to Mass? We are what we eat

    Julain Paparella posts on Salt&LightTV a reflection on the Eucharist
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  • 21/06/22

    Fathers: Do we have our act together?

    Randy Hain posts a reflection for fathers on Intergrated Catholic Life
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  • 20/06/22

    Corpus Christi Sunday 2022:

    Maisy Sullivan posts words from saints to help us reflect on Corpus Christi
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  • 17/06/22

    Child Has Been Confirmed! Now What?

    Jackie Angel posts on CatholicLink about what comes after Confirmation
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  • 16/06/22

    Are Guardian Angels Real?

    Alexander Elfreich posts on uCatholic about Guardians Angels
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  • 15/06/22

    Vatican Observatory astronomer awarded for Galileo article

    Leonardo Colon posts on the CNA about the latest winner of the Galileo Award
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  • 14/06/22

    Where are the oldest stained glass windows in the world?

    GetFed posts a reflection about the oldest stained glass windows in the world
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  • 13/06/22

    Boy asks Pope Francis: 'Can you come to Ukraine to save all the children?'

    The CNA post about Pope Francis' recent encounter with a boy from Ukraine
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