Richard Challoner School

Spirituality Blog

Spirituality News Items

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  • 12/10/22

    Let your beauty shine, Pope Francis tells young people

    AC Wimmer posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent message to young people
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  • 11/10/22

    Four Practical Ways Catholics Can Embrace their Faith Each Day

    Dr Andrew Swafford posts a helpful reflection on CatholicLink
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  • 10/10/22

    Know the ‘passwords’ of your heart

    Courtney Mares posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent comments
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  • 07/10/22

    Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for October 2022

    Salt&Light TV posts Pope Francis' prayer intention for an Open Church
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  • 06/10/22

    How To Choose Your Confirmation Saint

    Will Wright posts on CatholicLink with tips on choosing a confirmation saint
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  • 05/10/22

    Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry

    Maria Cintorino posts on BustedHalo with a refection of things we can learn from Padre Pio
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  • 04/10/22

    Five ways to pray for the world food crisis

    Five ways to pray for the world food crisis
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  • 03/10/22

    The first element of discernment is prayer

    Hannah Brockhaus posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent comments about Prayer
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  • 30/09/22

    6 Things You Should Do Before Mass

    uCatholic posts a helpful reminder of things to be before going to Mass
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  • 29/09/22

    How I’m Learning From the Holy and Humble

    Shemaiah Gonzalez posts on BustedHalo about the search for humility
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  • 28/09/22

    You Matter

    Fr Casey Cole posts on Breaking In The Habit about the life of Fr Stu and lessons we could learn
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  • 27/09/22

    The Eucharist teaches us to adore God rather than ourselves

    Courtney Mares posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent comments
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