Richard Challoner School

Spirituality Blog

Spirituality News Items

Page 18

  • 08/06/23

    How Blessed Carlo Acutis inspired a man to convert

    Courtney Mares posts on the CNA about the inspiration one man found in Blessed Carlo Acutis
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  • 07/06/23

    Principles Of Catholic Education

    Dr Alex Lessard posts on CatholicLink about the 7 Principles of Catholic Education
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  • 06/06/23

    On Pentecost, Pope Francis says Holy Spirit can bring harmony

    Courtney Mares posts Pope Francis' message for Pentecost
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  • 05/06/23

    Pope Francis’ prayer intention for June

    The Pope Video carries the intention of an End to Torture
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  • 26/05/23

    Things That Happen When You Go To Daily Mass

    Julie Radachy posts on CatholicLink about the benefits of regular Mass attendance 
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  • 25/05/23

    Let us be attentive: Active participation in Mass

    Steven D Greydanus posts a reflection on the CERC about active participation
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  • 24/05/23

    Share the Gospel with zeal like St. Francis Xavier

    Courtney Mares posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent comments
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  • 23/05/23

    ‘Giving in Unity’: The beautiful gift of charity

    CAFOD posts about a new Art Exhibition they are opening on the Gift of Charity
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  • 22/05/23

    Meet the little-known Doctor of the Church who formed more Doctors

    GetFed posts a helpful explanation of St John of Avila
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  • 19/05/23

    Pope Francis shares message 3 months before World Youth Day 2023

    Hannah Brockhaus posts on the CNA with Pope Francis message to young people
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  • 18/05/23

    Christ 'does not want to limit our freedom' by his presence

    Jonah McKeown posts on the CNA with Pope Francis' message for the Feast of the Ascension
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  • 17/05/23

    The Hail Mary

    Deacon Pedro posts on Salt&LightTV a helpful exploration of the Hail Mary
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