Richard Challoner School

Spirituality Blog

Spirituality News Items

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  • 14/07/23

    Third annual Grandparents’ Day

    Hannah Brockhaus posts on the CNA about arrangements for the 3rd annual day for Grandparents and the Elderly
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  • 13/07/23

    Do you ‘live as a witness of Jesus?’

    Hannah Brockhaus posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent comments
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  • 12/07/23

    Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for July

    The Pope Video posts about Pope Francis' prayer intention - For a Eucharistic Life
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  • 10/07/23

    Vatican to collect stories of Christian martyrs killed since 2000

    Hannah Brockhaus posts on the CNA about a new Vatican Initiative
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  • 07/07/23

    What do the saints say heaven is like?

    GetFed posts about the insights of the Saints
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  • 06/07/23

    St. Mary MacKillop evangelized through Catholic education

    Hannah Brockhaus posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent comments
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  • 05/07/23

    Excuses That People Often Make When Discerning A Religious Vocation

    Catholic Link posts a helpful reflection for those who may be hearing the call of God
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  • 04/07/23

    St. Josemaría Escrivá’s call to sanctify daily work is a modern spiritual call to arms

    Peter Pinedo posts on the CNA about St Josemaria's spirituality
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  • 03/07/23

    When God calls he lets you know it

    Deacon Greg posts on Deacon's Bench with Fr Timothy Reid's vocation story
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  • 30/06/23

    Pilgrims to walk 59 miles to England’s Our Lady of Walsingham shrine

    Madeleine Teahan posts on the CNA about this summer's pilgrimage
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  • 29/06/23

    The Feast of St Peter & St Paul

    Hannah Brockhaus posts on CatholicWorldReport with Pope Francis' message for today's feast
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  • 27/06/23

    5 Things to know about Venerable Lucia dos Santos

    Francesca Pollio Fenton posts on the CNA about one of the Fatima visionaries who has had her cause for sainthood moved forward
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