Richard Challoner School

Why I’m Committing to a Digital Sabbath This New Year

Thomas J Salerno posts on BustedHalo about a new year's resolution he has made

"As a freelance content creator, I spend at least six hours a day — oftentimes more — writing online articles, managing my Substack blog, or recording podcasts. That’s a lot of time sitting at my desk while staring at a computer screen!

But this really only scratches the surface of my total weekly screen time, because I also maintain a presence on multiple social media platforms in order to promote my work. I’m constantly checking feeds to see if my posts and links are getting “engagement” — likes, reposts, comments, and such. All this digital “work” can be exhausting!"

Please head over to BustedHalo to read the full post

Question to ponder: How might you create a space from your digital life?

Photo by on Unsplash