Richard Challoner School

Things to Give or Give Up This Lent

LifeTeen posts some helpful suggestions for Lent

"Ouch. If someone were to tell you your entire life was humiliating from start to finish, how would you take it? Would you laugh it off? Take offense? What if that someone was a saint, and his nickname was “the Apostle of Charity”?

Believe it or not, St. Vincent de Paul was paying God a compliment when he made this statement. The word “humiliation” is rooted in the word “humility,” which comes from the Latin words meaning “earth” (or ground) and “low.” So if the life of Jesus Christ was a perpetual humiliation, it means he was constantly lowering himself to the earth."

Please head over to LifeTeen to read the full post

Question to ponder: Which of the suggestions might work for you?

Photo by Thays Orrico on Unsplash