Richard Challoner School

The Book of Wisdom’s Best Advice for Spiritual Renewal This Year

Mike Schramm posts on BustedHalo with some tips for this year

"Many of the New Year’s Resolutions people make, like decreasing screen time, losing weight, or quitting smoking, really can be simplified to the principle of “making better decisions.” Another way of describing this capacity for better decision-making is to grow in the virtue of prudence, which is often defined as practical wisdom. Without realizing it, those of us making these similar resolutions are actually just praying for the gift of wisdom. Fortunately, we Catholics not only enjoy wisdom as a gift of the Holy Spirit from our baptism, but we also have a blueprint for this gift. God literally wrote the book on it."

Please head over to BustedHalo to read the full post

Question to ponder: Which bit of advice do you find most useful?

Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash