Richard Challoner School

God, How Could You Do This To Me?

Chris and Rebecca Mann post a helpful reflection on CatholicLink

"“How could God let this happen?” This cry of a grieving heart expresses one of the greatest challenges to belief in a loving and all-powerful God. Suffering. It feels like a betrayal as if God has stopped being what He is supposed to be. And as much as we can observe suffering in the world at a distance and wrestle with it there, it takes on a whole new dimension when suffering crashes into the deepest parts of our lives. A cancer diagnosis. A crumbling marriage. The loss of a job or family member. These moments make suffering personal, and the question becomes, “God, how could you do this to me?” How ought we address this sense of betrayal? How can we ever trust God again?"

Please head over to CatholicLink to read the full post

Question to ponder: How helpful do you find the reflection?

Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash