Richard Challoner School

Fostering Mental Health With Prayer

"The first step in fostering improved mental health with prayer is to have a regular time and place for prayer. For years I was a night owl. I stayed up late and slept in whenever I could. During the work week, I would get up, shower, grab a protein bar and a coffee and race out the door to work. Sound familiar to anyone? 

Now that I’m so much older and wiser, I choose to get up an hour before I “need” to. I make my coffee, shower, and head into my prayer room. This peaceful, quiet time sets me up for a positive and Christ-centered day no matter how busy or stressful it may become. A few minutes of calm where I breathe deeply, relax my muscles, and invite God’s presence into my heart and my mind changes my disposition for the better. I’m reminded that I’m loved by God and that my life is in His hands. I choose to offer my heart back to Him. "

Please head over to CatholicLink to read the full post. 

Question to ponder: How can prayer help you in your life?

Photo by Amaury Gutierrez on Unsplash