Richard Challoner School

“Follow” St.Dominic Savio: How This Saint Inspires Today’s Catholic Teens

Christie McGee posts a helpful reflection on CatholicLink

"Are you looking for ways to awaken your ten-year-old’s faith? Or are you trying to help your 16-year-old granddaughter discern God’s will? Below you’ll find a letter addressed to young people that explores the life of St. Dominic Savio, who died when he was 15, and who has been canonized by the Catholic Church.

Consider reading the following letter to the teens and pre-teens in your life, or better yet, invite them to read it to you. Dominic can be a friend and an inspiration to every generation."

Please head over to the CatholicLink to read the full post

Question to ponder: What message do you receive when reading the letter?

Photo by Alekon pictures on Unsplash