Richard Challoner School

Chaplaincy Events

There are numerous events that happen throughout the year within the Chaplaincy.

Regular Events:

  • Staff Prayer Meeting: Tuesday morning at 8:20am in the Learning and Development Room
  • Friday Morning Mass: Every Friday morning at 8:10am in the Chapel

Other Events:


Whole School and Year Masses happen throughout the year. We provide every student with an opportunity to celebrate Mass on Feast Days, Holy Days of Obligation, and a Whole School Mass on the School's Feast Day at St George's Cathedral in Southwark.


In addition to the Masses, there are:

  • Advent and Holy Week Services
  • Penitential Services during Advent and Lent, these include an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • Remembrance Services during November


There is the opportunity for retreat or reflection for each Year Group:

  • Year 7 - Day Retreat - Autumn Term - St Joseph's Church, New Malden
  • Year 8 - Day Retreat - Summer Term - Visiting the two Catholic Cathedrals of London, and Coventry Cathedral as part of the Stratford Trip in the Summer Term
  • Year 9 - Visit to local Synagogue - Spring Term - As part of Holocaust Memorial Day
  • Year 10 - Day Retreat - Summer Term - Focussing on our place in the world
  • Year 12 - Conference and Reflection Day - Summer Term