Richard Challoner School

He Was Beside Me All Along

"On a mission trip to Albany, New York, I served parishes and communities in the surrounding cities over spring break. As I sat on the plane on the way back to school, I began to process and reflect on all the ways the Lord moved on the trip, and these are the only words that can even begin to encapsulate what it was like to go on mission there.

These words from Father Jacques Philippe in his book Interior Freedom are used to describe the life of St. Therese of Lisieux, a saint who magnified the Lord in her littleness. Her life was seemingly simple and ordinary, but because she loved so much, she gave Jesus permission to take her ordinary life and make it extraordinary. I have been praying with this quote all semester, pondering what it could mean for my own life, and I can now say I was able to see these words play out in my own life. Jesus came and touched my heart, touched my life, and transformed a seemingly ordinary reality and place into an extraordinary one."

Please head over to LifeTeen to read the full post. 

Photo by AbdolAzim Mollaei on Unsplash