Richard Challoner School

Blessing Yourself in Public

Randy Hain posts a helpful reflection on Integrated Catholic Life

"Actions like making the Sign of the Cross in a restaurant may not seem like a big deal. Or perhaps it seems the opposite to you – like a major profession of faith in public! I am reminded of a lunch I had a few years ago with a new client. Our working partnership had been very business-focused since the beginning, and I wanted to forge a stronger personal connection which I enjoy with most of my other clients.  We made small talk about a number of subjects until our food arrived.  I said I was going to say a blessing over our meal and she was welcome to join me.  As I made the Sign of the Cross and started to pray, I noticed that she also made the Sign of the Cross.  I smiled to myself and said a quiet prayer of thanks for the opportunity I had been given."

Please head over to Integrated Catholic Life to read the full post.

Question to ponder: How might you put into practice some of the suggestions?

Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash