Richard Challoner School

Ideas To Make Sure Your Summer Is Prayerful

"It’s summertime in the Northern hemisphere and therefore, for the great majority of people, vacation time. You have probably looked forward to this moment and have great expectations about what you will do, the money you will spend, the places you know, and the endless hours you hope to sleep.

At the same time, you are ending (if you haven’t already) your apostolate, leaving your group or community paused to return in a few months, and all your friends in the faith are a little abandoned. It is common that a return to the “spiritual routine” earlier this year is a little heavy because everyone was making the rounds of vacation, and the heart does not always return very in tune with the things of God. It is therefore important to make resources available to all who are part of your catechetical group, community, or parish to stay connected with God during this vacation time. Rest is much better with Jesus."

Please head over to CatholicLink to read the full post

Question to ponder: Which of the ideas will you try this summer?

Photo by Nathan Hurst on Unsplash