Richard Challoner School

Building a Habit of Prayer In Ordinary Time

"The nice weather and fluid schedules often leads me to feeling lost in my spiritual life. I can easily go days without praying for more than a few minutes at a time. Since I usually do not make a conscious choice to commit to a prayer practice, I allow the summer to slip by without growing much in my faith. I realized that I needed to add a spiritual element after my experience a few summers ago. I found that I hardly ever prayed, other than right before bed. It is a blessing to be able to relax more and spend more time outside, but if I am honest, those good things often took the place of the greatest thing: my relationship with God."

Please head over to BustedHalo to read the full post

Question to ponder: How will you build your prayer habit this summer?

Photo by Marco Ceschi on Unsplash