Richard Challoner School

COVID-19 Support - Overview

New Timetables from 15th June

From 15th June 2020, home learning timetables are being changed for KS3 and Year 10. Year 12 students are also invited into school for live lessons once a week (per option). The schedules for each of these can be found below. Further infromation has been communicated via ParentMail.

School Assembly

Every week, we usually have a school assembly on a Wednesday morning. As the school is currently closed and students are working from home, we aim to have a virtual assembly every Wednesday morning here on the COVID-19 microsite.


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Students using iPads - please ensure you are logged in to YouTube with your school account.

Celebration of Work

Please visit our Celebration of work page is now live! Please have a look at the examples we have  received so far. If you would like to contribute examples to the page, please use this Google Form. It is lovely to see students and staff sharing the work they are doing and new skills they are learning. Keep them coming in! A new gallery is being set up to make it easier to view all the examples as we get more.

A few Frequently Asked Questions

How will work be set for my child?

Work will be set by subject teams using Show My Homework. Work will be set weekly and will remain ‘open’ from the Monday to Friday of each week.
If you need assistance with your own login to SMHW in order to support your child directly with this, please use this link to contact the IT Helpdesk.
For further information about the other components of your child’s timetable (the reading, the exercise and the ‘personal interest project’), please see the relevant webpages. 

How can I motivate my child?

The truth is, it is going to be difficult! The longer the school closure goes on and the more ‘locked-down’ society becomes, the harder it is going to get. But, as this happens, it will become increasingly important for them to focus and engage with their learning on a daily basis.
Try to find ways of rewarding them –for younger ones a sticker or star chart leading to a larger reward on a Saturday. Or X minutes of time on their Xbox/TV for each 30-minute chunk of time working. Try to maintain an emphasis on celebrating, rewarding and telling them how proud you are of them, rather than simply punishing or criticising.
Encourage them to work collaboratively, online with their friends so that they can keep up as many peer interactions as they can.

I am incredibly proud of my child, they have really risen to the challenge, what can I do?

Let us know! We want to hear about all the positives so that we can share them amongst our community on these pages and on social media – this is an excellent way of motivating each other. Encourage them to contact their subject teacher, Form Tutor or Year Leader with a copy of the work or a photo of themselves with the work with a short description if appropriate.

My child has special educational needs, how will they be supported?

Each of Learning Support Assistants have been allocated a number of students to try and support over the coming weeks and months – they will endeavour to maintain contact with your son to offer support and guidance.
However, as I am sure you will appreciate, it is not easy to support the students remotely and at times, due to personal circumstances, they may not be available to do this. Your child will need additional support from you or another adult / older sibling so that they can access the work.